2013年12月13日 星期五


聯邦政府現在貨幣化150%的年度預算赤字,當你在看什麼,他們所購買的抵押貸款支持證券和國債。 這是有史以​​來最高的。 

因此,政府更上癮,更依賴於量化寬鬆政策比以往任何時候了。 不僅他們不能把它拿走,他們將不得不增加。


The Federal Government Is NowMonetizing 150 Percent Of The Annual Budget Deficit

The federal government is now monetizing 150 percent of the annual budget deficit, when you look at what they are buying in mortgage backed securities and treasuries. This is the highest ever.

So the government is more addicted and more dependent on QE than it ever was. And not only they cannot take it away, they will have to increase it. 

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