2013年10月29日 星期二


我不看好黃金的時刻,因為印度正在發生的事情可能會毀掉一段時間的黃金市場。 如果我能保持溶劑和警報,也許會導致一個巨大的黃金買入機會了。 

印度是世界最大的黃金買家,一直到最近為止,現在中國黯然失色,因為印度削減。 印度政府指責其對黃金的問題,他們不承擔責任,從來沒有政治家。 於是,他們把一些關稅,盡力使它不可能進口黃金。 

I Am Not Optimistic About Gold

I am not optimistic about gold at the moment because what is happening in India is possibly going to ruin the gold market for a while. If I can stay solvent, and alert, maybe that will lead to a huge buying opportunity in gold again.

India is the largest buyer of gold in the world, has been until recently, now China is eclipsing them because India is cutting back. The indian government is blaming all of its problems on gold, they do not take responsibility, no politician ever has. So they put some tariffs, doing their best to make it impossible to import gold. 

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