2013年11月15日 星期五



一泡就是一個泡沫。 互聯網泡沫或房地產泡沫,有泡沫在比特幣。 我覺得人買比特幣的原因是因為覺得他們要賺錢。 他們認為價格要漲。 這將繼續下去,直到它崩潰的。 很多人會失去很多錢在比特幣。 少量的人會做出很多錢,但它會是有償的,因為他們失去的人一個更大的量來傳銷年底。 無論我們現在是在年底,或者它是否會繼續走高,幾個月或幾年,我不知道。 

Bitcoins: A Modern Day Tulip Mania

To me it looks like a modern day tulip mania, the fact that there are people in the hard money community that have embraced bitcoin.

A bubble is a bubble. The dotcom or the real estate bubble, there is a bubble in bitcoin. I think the reason people are buying bitcoins is because the think they are going to make money. They think the price is going to go up. It will keep going up until it implodes. And a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money in bitcoins. A small amount of people will make a lot of money but it will be paid for by a much greater amount of people who lose because they come at the end of the pyramid scheme. Wether we are at the end now, or wether it is going to keep going higher for months or years, I do not know. 

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