2013年11月26日 星期二


日本不打算停止。 美國人是不會停下來。 英語都不會停止。 歐洲人曾指出,我們將不惜一切代價,所以我沒有看到任何停止,直到最終的市場只是說,我們不打算再忍受了,然後就會出現一個危機,那麼市場可能會迫使他們停止。 我沒有看到任何永久性或嚴重變細,直至市場迫使他們。 有可能暫時嘗試,但這些人會當事情開始下降了不少恐慌。

Money Printing Will Stop When The Markets Force It

The Japanese are not going stop. The Americans are not going to stop. The English are not going to stop. The Europeans have said we will do whatever it takes, so I do not see anything stopping this until eventually the market just says we are not going to take it anymore and then there will be a crisis and then the market may force them to stop. I do not see any permanent or serious tapering until the market forces them to. There maybe temporary attempts at it, but these people are going to panic when things start dropping a lot. - in moneycontrol 

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