2014年1月25日 星期六


請記住,美聯儲也有收縮其資產負債表,不是逐漸變細的。 錐度是比較容易的部分,儘管那是不可能的。 難的是,當美聯儲從美國國債的買家,變成美國國債的賣方。 這怎麼可能呢? 誰將會在火車前面停下腳步? 

Federal Reserve`s Impossible Mission

Remember, the Federal Reserve also has to shrink its balance sheet, its not about tapering.Tapering is the easy part, even though that is impossible. The hard part is when the Federal Reserve goes from being a buyer of Treasuries, to being a seller of Treasuries. How is that even possible? Who would step in front of that train? 

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