2014年3月14日 星期五



但在此期間,如果打印無限量的金錢它有去的地方。 市場大幅下跌的24年。 和安倍晉三也通過一項法律,給予稅收優惠對於普通的日本投資於股票市場。 我已經看到這種情況發生了很多次的歷史,它總是讓人們進行投資。

由於這些原因,我投資在日本。 我再說一遍:這是所有將要在年底一場災難。 印刷無限量的金錢是可怕的。 跑了驚人的債務是可怕的。 但是,這就是安倍晉三在做什麼。 他會毀了日本。 但他可能使股市繼續走高。

Investing In Japan

"First of all, the market is down 70 percent or so from its all-time high. But Mr. Abe has said he's going to print unlimited amounts of money. Those were his words. So he's going to ruin Japan. Twenty years from now, we're going to look back and say: that was the death knell for Japan.

But in the meantime, if you print unlimited amounts of money it's got to go somewhere. The market is down dramatically in 24 years. And Abe also passed a law giving tax incentives for ordinary Japanese to invest in the stock market. I've seen that happen many times in history, and it always gets people to invest.

For those reasons, I'm investing in Japan. I repeat: this is all going to be a disaster in the end. Printing unlimited amounts of money is terrible. Running up staggering debt is terrible. But that's what Mr. Abe is doing. He's going to ruin Japan. But he might make the stock market go higher."

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