2013年10月26日 星期六


我相當驚人,最近做了一個投票,極少數美國人甚至不知道什麼是量化寬鬆。 只有極少數美國人的債務狀況有任何線索。 他們只是不`噸知道。 
因此,在這樣的情況下,相當容易,如果有人在電視上與一個漂亮的西裝,漂亮的頭髮剪,並說:天空是藍色的。” 好吧,大家說,我的天啊,天空是藍色的。 他們甚至懶得去看看窗外,看看它的藍色。 

Very Few Americans Know What Quantitative Easing Is
It`s pretty astonishing to me, there was a poll done recently, and very few americans even know what Quantitative Easing is. Very few americans have any clue about the debt situation. They just don`t know. So in circumstances like that, it`s fairly easy, if someone goes on TV with a nice suit, a nice hair cut and says "The sky is blue." Well, everybody says, my goodness, the sky is blue. They don`t even bother going to look out the window to see if its blue. 

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