2013年11月22日 星期五



看看在美國國債市場。 我們有一個17萬億美元的國家債務(雖然這只是冰山的一角,我們實際上有100萬億加債務總額17萬億只是那裡有優秀的美國國債,但美國政府有很多的義務超出了國庫債務)。 

但如果你只是專注於美國政府得到的錢退任所有到期的債券,每年價值數萬億美元國債的成熟。 政府沒有那麼多錢。 它依賴於新的買家套現的老買家。 在許多情況下,相同的持有人,持有債務的人,剛剛推出了,所以我們從來沒有支付。 

但是,沒有人願意承認一個簡單的事實,還款是不可能的。 我們能做的就是借更多的錢支付到期債務,但債務存量不斷越變越大,因為複利的,因為政府借更多更多的錢,每一年。 

The Simple Truth On The US Debt: Repayment Is Impossible

The thing about Ponzi schemes is that they have to keep on growing and if they don`t grow, they implode because you need a bigger supply of new investors to cash out the old investors.

Look at the US Treasury Bond market. We have a 17 trillion dollar national debt (although that is just a tip of the iceberg, we actually have 100 trillion plus in total debt. 17 trillion is just where there are US treasuries outstanding but the US government has lots of obligations beyond the treasury debt).

But if you just focus on that, where does the US government get the money to retire all the maturing bonds every year, trillions of dollars worth of Treasuries mature. The government does not have that money. It relies on new buyers to cash out the old buyers. And in many cases its the same holders, people that hold the debt, just roll it over, so we never have to pay it back.

But nobody wants to acknowledge the simple truth that repayment is impossible. All we can do is borrow more money to pay out the maturing debt but the debt stock keeps getting bigger and bigger because of the compounding interest and because the government borrows more more money every single year. 

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