2013年12月18日 星期三



底線是,比特幣是一個金字塔的龐氏騙局,其中那些誰在年初贏了,而其他人都輸了。如果你擁有比 ​​特幣,那麼你應該出去立刻!
人們不斷地描述這個價格的行為,“瘋狂”和“瘋狂”,但它實際上並不令人驚奇。早在今年春天,當比特幣的交易價格為90美元左右,我“提出了我的Bitcoin的目標”為400美元。這是引用我的老的目標股價發生的笑話。我實際上沒有一個Bitcoin的目標。但我得到一個更深刻的一點:$ 400是Bitcoin的一個完全合理的目標。由於是1000美元。由於為$ 10,000或10萬或100萬美元。

Bitcoins is DESIGNED to play out as a ponzi scheme bubble to enrich those that created it as they mined over a million bitcoins (current 12.1mln bitcoins) relatively easily (initially low processing power required), with future supply increasingly limited as much greater processing power is required to mine more blocks which coupled with the media frenzy has helped push up the price which the designers and early adopters can offload into and onto unsuspecting fools. This is a ponzi scheme where only the designers and initial miners win hugely, that I suspect will lead to criminal prosecutions.
Meanwhile, over the past 24 hours the blogosfear, mainstream press and the sales men have been busy writing reams of commentary on the bitcoin crash AFTER the event, AFTER the bitcoin crash, and many can be seen floundering like fish out of water as to what direction bitcoins are likely to take going forward as they delve into double speak i.e. implying that the price could continue falling or then again might be a great opportunity to buy, the broadcast news is full of such double speak by the media whores that populate the likes of CNBC, you know who they are!
So whilst the media was painting a picture of bitcoins soaring into the stratosphere, I made it clear in my article of just over a week ago as the bitcoin price homed in on its 1242 high as to why bitcoins were a ponzi scheme destined to collapse and what bitcoin holders should do IMMEDIATLEY.
As was the case for the original Tulip Mania, following the bursting of the bubble Bitcoins will soon be forgotten and so will the craze for all peer to peer i-currencies, as the bottom line is that bitcoins never matched the hype for transactions are NOT anonymous and it IS heavily manipulated by a handful of mining pools so is not decentralised as today ordinary people cannot muster the processing power required to mine for bitcoins.
The bottom line is that bitcoins are a pyramid ponzi scheme where those who got in early win, whilst everyone else loses. If you own bitcoins then you should get out IMMEDIATELY!
Here are some mainstream media excerpts of the bitcoin craziness in the run up to the crash.
If you want to buy drugs or guns anonymously online, virtual currency Bitcoin is better than hard cash. Canny speculators have been hoarding it like digital gold. Now the world's leading bankers are even talking about as a rival for real money.
People keep describing this price behavior as "crazy" and "insane," but it's actually not that surprising. Earlier this spring, when Bitcoin was trading at about $90, I "raised my Bitcoin target" to $400. This was an inside joke that referenced an old price target of mine. I don't actually have a Bitcoin target. But I was getting at a more profound point: $400 is a perfectly reasonable target for Bitcoin. As is $1,000. As is $10,000 or $100,000 or $1 million.
In January of 2009, Satoshi started mining the first crop of bitcoin, creating what is known as the “genesis block.” By year-end, over 32,000 blocks had been added to this original block, producing a total of 1,624,250 bitcoins. Since all transactions are public on the blockchain, we know that only a quarter of those bitcoins have ever changed hands, which means Satoshi is believed to be sitting on a stash of roughly one million bitcoins. With Bitcoin surging past $1000, that stash is worth about $1.1 billion.
Wednesdays price crash was followed early Thursday with my next article that laid out a forecast of how the bitcoin crash would play out over the coming days as the price at the time had recovered strongly from its initial crash to 900 to stand at 1074 at the time.
What's Next for Bitcoins
A quick technical review of the charts implies that a double top pattern is being formed which is a warning that the bounce from the neckline is not something that bitcoin holders should put much hope into for the price is likely to reverse within days to break the neckline and retrace all the way down to at least 500 (current 1074), which is more than a 50% drop of the last price and a 60% drop from the high.
Longer term my view remains that bitcoins could lose as much as 99% of their value, so following a 60% crash, don't be seduced into the buying opportunity sales pitch that you will hear much about, no matter how hard the price bounces following the crash it will as the bitcoin longer term history illustrates just mark the initial phase of a prolonged price collapse towards 1/99th of its trading high or about 15, at which point even I would consider a speculative buy.
The bitcoin stepped crash with much volatility continues to play out not just towards my technical target of 500 but eventually towards virtually zero as represented by my longer-term objective of just 15, that is 1/99th of its trading high. So understand this that the nightmare for those who continue to hold onto bitcoins is only just beginning, yes the price has crashed by 37%, but it is still stands 37% above its technical target of 500 and has the potential for a 96% loss of its current value should the target of 15 be realised, so this is NOT the time to hold on hopes of recovering back towards the highs as the loss of value sustained could literally be TOTAL! A lesson that all market traders have to learn else they will go bankrupt holding on for price recoveries that always become more distant with each stomach churning lurch to the downside.

1 則留言 :

  1. 由於所有的交易都是公開的blockchain,我們知道,只有四分之一的比特幣的曾經轉手,這意味著中本聰被認為是坐在大約100萬比特幣一個藏匿處。隨著Bitcoin的澎湃過去1000元,這是藏匿價值約一百一十億。
