2013年12月2日 星期一

比特幣價值將歸零? 他們可能。

當然,我們今天沒有合法貨幣。 我們有法定貨幣。 沒有什麼,美元背後,這就是為什麼人們覺得,嗯,什麼是錯的比特幣? 因為沒有什麼美元的背後並沒有什麼比特幣的背後,有脫穎而出的相同。 

嗯,是有顯著差異。 美元是美國的法定貨幣。 其他貨幣為法定貨幣的其他一些地方。 而且即使我不想塊錢,政府只接受美元支付稅款,因此,如果我不要想知道我要坐牢,我十分看重不會坐牢(也確實有一個值),只有這樣我可以留出監獄的是要有足夠的美元來支付我的稅。 


但比特幣,不具有任何內在價值可言。 因此,這裡的問題。 人們都提倡使用比特幣,猶如金錢的一種形式。 但它不可能是。 因為比特幣並不代表保值的。 你不要知道比特幣多少將是值得下週,明年,在5年或10年。 沒有人知道。 將比特幣價值為零? 他們可能是因為他們不沒有任何內在價值。

有人可能會想出另一種數字貨幣,也許比比特幣和人們的吸引力會用那一個。 有人可能會想出這實際上是由黃金支持合法的數字貨幣。 這並不難做到。 

Will Bitcoins Be Worth Zero? They Might.

Today of course, we do not have a legitimate currency. We have fiat currency. There is nothing behind the dollar, which is why people think, well, what is wrong with bitcoin?Because there is nothing behind the dollar and there is nothing behind bitcoins, there fore its the same.

Well, there is a significant difference. The dollar is legal tender in America. Other currencies are legal tender some place else. And even though I do not want dollars, the government only accepts dollars in payment of taxes, therefore if I don`t want to go to jail and I value not going to jail (that does have a value), the only way I can stay out of jail is to have enough dollars to pay my taxes. So, there is a legitimate use for dollars even though they do not have any intrinsic value, the way gold does.

But bitcoins, do not have any intrinsic value whatsoever. So here is the problem. People are advocating the use of bitcoins as if its a form of money. But it can`t be. Because bitcoins do not represent a store of value. You don`t know how much bitcoins will be worth next week, next year, in 5 or 10 years. Nobody knows. Will bitcoins be worth zero? They might because they don not have any intrinsic value.

Somebody may come up with an alternative digital currency maybe more attractive than bitcoins and people will use that one. Somebody might come up with a legitimate digital currency that is actually backed by gold. That is not hard to do. 

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