2014年2月4日 星期二


農業一直是噩夢的大多數人。 其結果是,我們將不會有任何農民。

越來越多的人在美國研究公共關係比研究農業,一些主要的農業大學不得不關閉或改變,因為沒有人想成為一個農民。 我不知道還有什麼你需要知道的。 農業必須改變。 價格和利潤必須去更高的農業或我們不會有任何的食物不惜任何代價。

All You Need To Know About Agriculture

In the United Kingdom, the highest rate of suicide in any economic sector is agriculture. In India, millions of farmers commit suicide. Farming has been a nightmare for most people. The result is we don`t have any farmers.

More people in America study Public Relations than study agriculture, some major agriculture universities had to close or change because nobody wants to be a farmer. I don`t know what more do you need to know. Agriculture has to change. Prices and profits have to go much higher in agriculture or we are not going to have any food at any price.

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