2014年4月17日 星期四


通貨膨脹是貨幣供應量的擴張。 量化寬鬆(QE)是一種委婉的通貨膨脹。 所有的央行都在膨脹。 這是他們在做什麼。 這就是通貨膨脹。 縱觀有效的通脹由政府計量單曲CPI指數是沒有意義的。 

Quantitative Easing (QE) Is An Euphemism For Inflation

Inflation is the expansion of the money supply. Quantitative Easing (QE) is an euphemism for inflation. All the Central Banks are inflating. That is what they are doing. That is inflation.Looking at the effective inflation as measured by the government`s CPI index is meaningless.

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