2014年6月14日 星期六


我可不特別喜歡說任何這一點,因為我是一個美國公民,美國納稅人和美國選民。 但如果你開車的人遠離美元,許多人必須坐著,說:“天哪,如果我們有美元和美國的決定,他們不`噸和我們一樣,他們打算把制裁我們。”


The US Is Driving People Away From the Dollar

I don`t particularly like saying any of this, as I am an American citizen, an American taxpayer and an American voter. But if you drive people away from the US Dollar , many people must be sitting and saying, "Gosh, if we have US Dollars and the US decides that they don`t like us, they are going to put sanctions on us."

So, more and more people will say, maybe I should not use the US Dollar or maybe I should not have any money in US Dollars.

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