2013年11月21日 星期四



因為只要美聯儲可以採取簡單的方法,那就是他們會做什麼。 只要他們不斷增長的政府補貼,撐起了房地產市場和股市,他們會繼續做下去。 它會帶來外部的壓力,最終將迫使我們做一些不同的東西,越早發生越好,我們有這樣的危機越早越快,我們就可以開始處理相關問題。 我們成功推遲清算的日子,我們將有更多的,不可忽視的,這將是解決問題更困難。 

Federal Reserve: No Impetus To Change Course

We will need to have a complete monetary disaster before there is any impetus to change course. Because as long as the Federal Reserve can take the easy way, that is what they are going to do. As long as they keep subsidizing the growth of government and prop up the real estate market and the stock market they are going to keep doing it. It`s going to be pressures that are brought externally that will finally force us to do something different and the sooner that happens, the better, the sooner we have this crisis the sooner we can begin to deal with the underlying problems. The more we succeed in postponing the day of reckoning, the more we will have to reckon with, the more difficult it will be to solve the problem. 

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