2014年2月3日 星期一


美國股市處於歷史高點。 日本股市下跌從歷史高點60或70%,安倍晉三在日本沒有限制,他可以花多,因為他想要的,他可以​​盡可能多的打印,因為他想,所以我玩多在日本比在美國。 

我在玩它在俄羅斯,例如,那裡肯定是一個很鬱悶的股市。 每個人都討厭俄羅斯。 據恨一個多地方也許除了阿根廷。 

How I Am Playing The Game

The United States stock market is at all time highs. The Japanese stock market is down 60 or 70 percent from its all time highs and Mr. Abe in Japan has no constraints, he can spend as much as he wants, he can print as much as he wants, so I am playing it more in japan than in the United States.

I am playing it in Russia, for instance, where there is surely a very depressed stock market.Everybody hates Russia. It is hated more than an place except maybe Argentina. 

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