2014年3月14日 星期五


現在,隨著黃金低,上漲的價格,這是一個偉大的時間來買。 黃金一直可能是表現最好的資產類別,在2014年,但你不會知道它讀取的頭條新聞或收聽各種專家。 他們只是想談談股市。 他們忽視了黃金市場的作用,主要是因為大家都很懷疑這波漲勢的,每個人都在等待反彈褪色。我可不覺得。 我認為這是一個牛市,這是攀岩牆的擔心,我認為它爬上更多的人最高的要擔心。 

Gold: The Price Is Low and Rising

Now with the price of gold low and rising, this is a great time to buy. Gold has been probably the best performing asset class in 2014 but you would not know it reading the headlines or listening to the various pundits. They just want to talk about the stock market. They are ignoring the action in the gold market mainly because everybody is very skeptical of this rally, everybody is waiting for the rally to fade. I don`t think it will. I think it is a bull market, it is climbing a wall of worry and I think the highest it climbs the more people are going to worry. 

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