2014年3月12日 星期三




因此,除非我們有顯著永久的新增供應,我沒有看到牛市即將結束。 牛市將結束,我向你保證,它會結束的一天。 但還沒有“

Commodities: The Bull Market is Not Over Yet

"I do not see enough significant permanent new supply in almost anything, which can cause the end of the bull market in commodities.

Rio Tinto PLC (NYSE:RIO) and BHP Billiton Limited (NYSE:BHP) and others have cut back substantially on their capital spending programs because they think they should not be bringing a lot of new [mining] supply on stream yet.

So until we have significant permanent new supply, I don't see the bull market coming to an end. The bull market will end, I assure you, it will end someday. But not yet." 

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