2014年3月12日 星期三


黃金仍在繼續下降,印度是一個比任何人都大很多買家 - 當你需要從任何事物的最大買家需求如此明顯,它會導致一個校正這就是已經發生的事情沒有什麼不尋常的地方。 

與此同時,不少炒家和投資者的12年的大牛市後削減。 這再加上印第安人不堪重負的中國需求。 

我還是不是買入黃金以任何方式大還,因為還有太多的神秘,太多的人誰認為黃金是聖潔的。 我沒有看到市場如何才能使一個底部,直到很多這些神秘主義者被洗出市場。


There Are Still Many Mystics In Gold

"Gold is still going down. India was a much bigger buyer than anyone else – so obviously when you take out demand from the largest buyer of anything, it causes a correction. That's what been happening. Nothing unusual about it.

At the same time, many speculators and investors were cutting back after the 12-year bull market. That plus the Indians overwhelmed Chinese demand.

I still am not buying gold in any big way yet, because there are still too many mystics, too many people who think that gold is holy. I don't see how the markets can make a bottom until a lot of those mystics get shaken out of the market. Once they throw in the towel, then gold will make a significant bottom, and I hope I'll be buying a lot more at that time."

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