2014年3月13日 星期四


它`山已成定局,現在金價會更低。 每個人都知道它是怎麼回事了,並且任何時候它去了,無人問津,他們只是解僱了集會,因為他們說:“嗯,它不會持續,黃金會往下走,因為所有的問題都已經解決了,美國經濟正在蓬勃發展,美聯儲將能夠擺脫量化寬鬆政策,沒有問題的,


Gold: The Conventional Wisdom

It`sa foregone conclusion now that gold is going lower. Everybody knows it is going down, and anytime it goes up, nobody cares, they just dismiss the rallies because they say, "Well, its not going to last, gold is going to go down, because all the problems have been solved, the US economy is booming, the Federal Reserve is going to be able to get rid of QE, no problem, they are going to be able to unwind their balance sheet, no big deal, everything is going to go back to normal, inflation is dead, so gold is going back to 600, 700 dollars an ounce."

So, this is basically what everybody believes. 

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