2014年9月30日 星期二


不管你信不信,談到投資,我不喜歡把握機會。 生活在邊緣的快感從來就不是我的投資組合的一部分。 如果你做你的功課,買便宜的,並且保持耐心,你應該能夠走過去,拿起一疊現金在角落裡沒有人發現。

Investing: Do Your Homework, Buy Cheap And Be Patient

Believe it or not, I don`t like taking chances when it comes to investing. The thrill of living on the edge has never been part of my portfolio. (...) If you do your homework, buy cheap, and remain patient, you should be able to walk over and pick up that pile of cash in the corner that nobody else notices.

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