2013年11月3日 星期日


MartinArmstrong  馬田大師


黃金是一個看跌的趨勢。金黃金發起人儘管一切都告訴你了,只是沒有響應的方式,他們一直在預測或者我應該說促進。他們不採取認真對待你的經濟生存能力。它就像“聖經”說 - 有一個時間和地點的一切。礦業發表了頭版文章 - 恐怖故事為黃金投資者繼續星期五。

我們正在準備一個非常重要的黃金報告。正如你可以看到從封面,黃金hasNEVER超過1980年的高。它一直是最差的對沖通脹可能。這並不意味著它永遠不會真正團結。如果墨西哥股市場一倍,但比索收盤下跌了80% ,美國會賠錢。

現在是時候停止廢話。睜開你的眼睛,否則你會錯過REAL金價上漲,你會不會相信反彈的時間,因為你失去了你襯衫上的假反彈。現在是時候停止財政典當 - 從各個角度謊稱是政府,銀行,或發起人的利益衝突。為了生存,自己的財務決策,它需要一個清醒的頭腦,所有的偏見和成見脫落。

Gold – Down & Dirty
Martin Armstrong
November 2, 2013 by
Gold is in a bearish trend. Despite everything the gold promoters have told you, gold just is not responding the way they have been predicting or should I say promoting. They do not take your economic survivability seriously. It is just like the Bible says – there is a time and place for everything. Mining delivered a lead article - Horror story for gold investors continues Friday.
We are preparing a very important gold report. As you can see from the cover, gold hasNEVER exceeded the 1980 high. It has been the WORST hedge against inflation possible. That does not mean it will never really rally. If the Mexican share market doubled, but the peso fell by 80%, an American will lose money. Gold is no different. Those who are already penning hate mail will most likely lose the farm on gold and the wife will take what’s left. If you want to make money, it is important to understand the TRUTH. You cannot invest and survive on a pack of lies. A fool is always easily separated from his money.
It is time to stop the bullshit. It is time to open your eyes or you will miss the REAL rally in gold and you will not believe the rally because you lost your shirt on the previous fake rally. It is time to stop being the Pawn of Finance - lied to from every angle be it government, banks, or promoters with conflicts of interest. To survive your OWN financial decisions it takes a clear mind and shedding all bias and prejudice.

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