2014年1月23日 星期四


如果他們不自己買美國國債,那誰來買? 國債是世界上最大的買家是美聯儲。 


我的意思是沒有人支付2&20購買國債。 對沖基金是買國債的唯一原因是因為他們撬開了,他們是在賭博。 

Federal Reserve: If They Don`t Buy US: Treasuries, Who Will?

If they don`t buy treasury bonds, who will? The biggest buyer of treasury bonds in the world is the Federal Reserve. After that, you have other central foreign banks like China and Japan but there are no real buyers , in fact the hedge funds have been big buyers out of the Caribbean but why would hedge funds buy US Treasuries when the yields are not even 3 percent? I mean nobody pays 2 & 20 to buy Treasuries. The only reason hedge funds are buying treasuries is because they are levered up, they are gambling. 

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