2014年1月6日 星期一


我不是看空的股票,我看空美元,我是看空的紙張。 人們只是認為我所有的憂愁和厄運,所以,我認為股市會下跌。 如果美聯儲確實對美國經濟的正確的事情,並讓利率上升,股市會來轟然倒下。 但我不相信美聯儲會做正確的事。 他們將繼續做錯誤的事情。 這個泡沫過大流行,美聯儲知道,所以他們將繼續提供空氣。 所以,是的。 股票要漲,但美元會下降很多更實質。是的,黃金會漲。

This Bubble Is Too Big To Pop

I am not bearish on stocks, I am bearish on the US dollar, I am bearish on paper. People just assume that I am all gloom and doom, so that I think the stock market is going down. If the Federal Reserve did the right thing for the US economy and let interest rates go up, the stock market would come crashing down. But I do not believe the Federal Reserve is going to do the right thing. They will keep doing the wrong thing. This bubble is too big to pop, the Federal Reserve knows it, so they are going to keep on supplying air. So, yes. Stocks are going to go up, but the dollar is going to down a lot more in real terms. And yes, gold is going to go up. 

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