2014年2月28日 星期五


黃金將超過1900美元一盎司很多。 這只是最近的高點。 但這個牛市已經持續了很長一段時間,它已經有很長的方式來運行的感謝,我們persuing在這裡,在美國的政策。 現在,我們有耶倫作為美聯儲主席,我想她一定會更加利好黃金比伯南克和格林斯潘。 

Gold Is Going A Lot Higher Than 1900 Dollars An Ounce

Gold is going a lot higher than 1900 dollars an ounce. That was just the most recent high.But this bull market has been going on for a long time and it has got a long way to run thanks to the policies that we are persuing here in the United States. Now that we have Janet Yellen as the Federal Reserve Chairman, I think she will be even more bullish for gold than Bernanke and Greenspan. 

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